sukardi hasan

Drs. Sukardi Hasan, Ak., CPA, CPI

has more than 30 years of experience since he started as an auditor at BPKP (The Financial and Development Supervisory Institution) and more than 15 years as a Public Accountant. He graduated from State Finance College (1965) and Institute of Financial Sciences (1977) also gained his Certified Public Accountant of Indonesia (2013) from IAPI (Indonesian Public Accountant Institution) and gained his Certified Professional Investigator (2017). Since 2003, he has been appointed as a branch manager of Us-man and Partners Public Accounting Firm in Surabaya. Starting in 2009, he found Sukardi Hasan Public Accountant Firm and now He is the Managing Partner of Sukardi Hasan and Partner Public Accountant Firm in Tangerang City.
Foto Sutrisno Partner Sukardi Hasan

Sutrisno S.E., M.Ak., CPA®, CFP, CLI

Managing Partner
has more than 15 years of experience in Audit and tax. He graduated from Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta (2004)and graduated his postgraduate in Trisakti University in Jakarta (2014). He gained his Certified Financial Planner from FPSB Indonesia (2014) and gained his Certified Public Accountant of Indonesia from IAPI (Indonesian Public Accountant Institution)(2016) and Certified Likuidator of Indonesia (2017). He gained his Registered Public Accountant from Ministry of Republic Indonesia Finance (2016). He has worked in several public accounting firms in Jakarta since 2004. Currently as a Senior Partner at Sukardi Hasan & Partner Public Accountant Firm and consultant in OneShildt Financial Planner.
Nurani Utami, S.E., Ak., M.Ak., CA., ACPA., CPA., BKP

Nurani Utami, SE., Ak., M.Ak., CA., ACPA., CPA., BKP

has experience in Accounting field since 1999. She graduated from Budi Luhur University in Jakarta (2009) and graduated her postgraduate in Trisakti University in Jakarta (2016). She gained her Accounting Degree (Ak) from Ministry of Finance secretariat P2PK (2013), her Chartered Accountant (CA) from IAI (2014), her Asean Chartered Professional Accountant (ACPA) from Asean Chartered Professional Accountant Coordinating Committee (2018), her Certified Public Accountant of Indonesia (CPA) from IAPI (2017). She gained her Registered Public Accountant from Ministry of Republic Indonesia Finance (2018). She gained her Certified Tax Consult-ant Certification (BKP) from IKPI (2015). She is the lecturer in Budi Luhur University since 2017 and Prasetiya Mulya University since 2018, and in STIE Al-Khairiyah as instructor Brevet AB since 2017. She has tax consulting and accounting service office since 2015.
KAP Sukardi Hasan & Rekan Partner Agung

Agung Suprianto, SE., Ak., M.Ak., CA., CPA

Experienced more than 15 years in the Field of Audit and Accounting, finished his education at Gunadarma University in Jakarta, took accounting study program and received Bachelor Degree of Economics in 2000. Completed Accounting Professional Program (Ak.) in 2011 and completed Master of Accounting postgraduate program in 2020 at Trisakti University, Jakarta. Earned his Chartered Accountant (CA) from Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) in 2013 and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) from Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants (IAPI) in 2017. Has worked in several registered public accountants and private companies in Jakarta since 2000. Obtained his Public Accountant (AP) license from the Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia in 2022.
KAP SHR Partner Pande Putu

Pande Putu Agus Eka Pertama, Ak., M.Acc, CA., CPA

Experienced more than 35 years in the Field of Audit and Accounting, finished his education at STAN Polytechnic of State Finance and received bachelor’s degree (D4) of Economics in 1990. Completed his master’s degree (S2) at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA in 1993. Earned the Chartered Accountant (CA) from Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) in 2016 and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) from Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants (IAPI) in 2022. Previously worked at Financial and Development Supervisory Board (BPKP) and few registered public accountants. Obtained his Public Accountant (AP) license from the Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia in 2023.
Hendrawanto, SE., Ak., CA., CLI., CPA

Hendrawanto, SE., Ak., CA., CPA., CLI

has more than 15 years of experience in Audit, Accounting and Tax. He graduated from Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta (2007), and graduated his (Ak.) Accounting Professional Program from Trisakti University (2011). He gained Chartered Accountant from IAI (Indonesian Accountant Association) (2014) and his Certified Likuidator of Indonesia (2017) and his Certified Public Accountant from IAPI (Indonesian Public Accountant Institution) (2018). He has worked in several public accounting firms in Jakarta starting in 2007.

Gebyar Pradhono, SE., Ak., CA., CPA

has more than 15 years of experience in Audit and Accounting. He graduated from Trisakti Univeristy in Jakarta (2008), and graduated his (Ak.) Accounting Professional Program from Trisakti University (2019). He gained Chartered Accountant from IAI (Indonesian Accountant Association) (2015) and his Certified Public Accountant from IAPI (Indonesian Public Accountant Institution)(2018). He has worked in several public accounting firms and private Companies in Jakarta starting in 2008.
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