
Our profile

Sukardi Hasan & Partner Public Accounting Firm is a development of Sukardi Hasan Public Accounting Firm, which was previously formed in 2008 based on Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No : 583/KM.1/2008 and then followed by a Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No : 1407/KM.1/2012 November 27, 2012 as a determination of Sukardi Hasan & Partners’ Public Accounting Firm.

Sukardi Hasan as the founder is an auditor who has expertise in audit and assurance. He has more than 30 years of experience since he started his career as an auditor at BPKP (The Financial and Development Supervisory Institution). BPKP is an Indonesian non-ministerial government institution (directly responsible to President) that carries out governmental tasks in the field of financial supervision and development which form of Audit, Consultation, Assistance, Evaluation, Eradiccation of KKN (Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism) and Supervision Education and Training in accordance with applicable regulations.

After submission at BPKP was completed, He joined the Public Accounting Firm as a Branch Manager in Surabaya. A few years later, He established of Sukardi Hasan & Part-ners Public Accounting Firm with Sudibjo and Syamsuddin Ismail.

The work culture motto of every KAP Sukardi Hasan & Partners team is to serve, trusted and reliable by upholding the main values of the profession, namely: Honesty, Trust and Professionalism, abbreviated as HTP which is the moral foundation for all KAP personnel.


Every professional who joins KAP Sukardi Hasan & Partner is fully aware that their existence is to provide excellent service to client client satisfactory.


Registered as a public accountant, has a large number of clients from various fields and being a member of affilica international proves that KAP Sukardi Hasan & Partners can be trusted.


Providing professional services in accordance with professional standards and competency standards.

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you can contact us through our phone number or the contact form on this website

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